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Did you miss Science 2 The Max at Super Solar Saturday?

Science 2 the Max – well known for our hands on, state of the art learning experience using Physical Science to engage a young audience, debuted at The Mann Music Center for Super Solar Saturday, on August 19th. This was a free event that incorporated a wide array of science -themed experiences throughout the park. The facilitators and Founder of Science 2 the Max, Bryheem Charity stirred up unforgettable emotions of the joy of learning in two innovative shows.

Hundreds of children sat "criss cross applesauce” and fully attentive for the introduction of the history of Maximus. Experiments with chemical reactions drew them to their feet in a frenzy to participate in the magic of science. The display of experiments and chemical reactions were topped off with Maximus’ musical lesson that fueled learning engagement of the different states of Matter. And that’s not all! A chemical reaction turned baby Nina into a werewolf (you had to be there) that triggered the dance team to perform a choreographed rendition of the late Michael Jackson’s hit song, Thriller. Sounds crazy? We never said science wasn’t crazy? We said Science is CRAZY fun!

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