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Science 2 The Max is always looking for volunteers to assist Maximus and staff in guiding children and adolescents in a positive direction. Share your knowledge, experience and enthusiam by helping boys and girls develop the skills they need to become successful citizens. 
Corporate Sponsorship
Thank you for your interest in Science 2 The Max. New corporate partnerships that help advance the work of Science 2 The Max are always welcome. Science 2 The Max is interested in partnering with companies that have solid brand images and reputations. Whether new or established, any prospective partner must have a strong corporate mission and be a leader in its industry.
Please consider making a donation to Science 2 The Max. By doing so, you'll be making an investment in our children's future and ensuring that our organization continue to provide quality education for our city's youth. We need to inspire the next generation of thinkers, creators, problem solvers and leaders, with your help we will continue to uphold our mission. 
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